Lost Sketchbook 1.0

Start a Fire

"We Can Work It Out."

It opened last Friday the 16th to what seemed to me to be a full house and good reviews.
Along side myself other exhibitors include Acorn, Jet-Pac, Klingatron, Iain Laurie, Matt Pattinson, Roule, Sole, Amy Whiten. Fellow Tell Tale collaborators Spie One, David Galletly, Carrie McGinn and Elph (who sort of curated the show in his own last minute kind of way).
"The Helvetica Show" is on upstairs in the other exhibition space. Both are well worth checking out if your in the area.
"Take To The Woods"

Please feel free to drop in on the opening party on Thursday the 15th November from 7 pm, while you wait you can check out these links for all the other nice people with names on the flyer.
Acorn, Alexa Cameron, Chris Bourke, Claire Scully, David Galletly, Dist, Elph, French, Holly Wales, Iain Bruce, Jo Waterhouse, Jon Burgerman, Magda Boreysza, Marcus Oakley, Marcus Walters, Matt Pattinson, Matt Sewell, Natalie Russell, Neasdon Control Centre, Nigel Peake, Robert Hanson, Samuel Sparrow, Simon Peplow, Simone Lia, Stuart White, Supermundane, Suzi Q, Tommy Perman and Will Barras.
its pretty much a roll call of everyone whose had exhibitions, made Running Amoks or sold there wares through Analogue.
New Special K, Sustain

This was one of the pieces I had in this summer's group show at Hula on Victoria St. While the Edinburgh Festival raged on around me.
The Changing Room T-Shirt

Rob Churm, David Galletly, Rue Five and Amy Marletta
The exclusive range of t-shirts designed for The Changing Room's birthday were available from 24th August in an edition of 20 each. For a limited period these are for sale at the gallery at a special price of £10. Please call or email the gallery for more information about mailorder. Hurry up though because there almost all gone.
35, Crawford Arcade, King Street, Stirling, FK8 1AX, Scotlandtel/fax +44(0)1786 479361 email info@changingroom.sol.co.uk
"Voluntary Action" Opening

If you missed the opening don't worry there will be some film screenings coming up as part of the exhibitions closing event. For more info visit The Changing Room.
Hip Hip Hooray

There will be a live set from The Impudels i think it is though i may be wrong and a DJ set by Amy Marletta who also designed one of a set of 4 limited edition t-shirts along with myself David Galletly and Rob Churm of Park Attack, they will be on sale tonight for a measly tenner so come down and buy them or just come down and have a dance.
"Voluntary Action" Begins

Live Painting Tonight

With live funk bands, DJ's, aerial performers and live painting by local writers Elph, Spie, Derm, some others and me.
All proceeds from canvasses sold go to charity.
10-3am £4 on the door
T-Shirt Roughs

These are just some of the roughs they wanted to be able to print them on a couple of different colour tees so i had to have a colour schemme that would work on more than one backround, which was weird.
I was going to have them on royal blue or orange tees but it seemed too dark for the print, so decided on sky blue and sunflower.
I'll post the finished ones once there back from the printers.
"Finger Discount" Exhibition

If you fancy a little giggle you can read what the Stirling Observer had too say.